Work Passes:
There are different kinds of work visas of Singapore for foreigners.

In-principal Approval letter: This is not a visa. But this is a kind of permit letter given to a foreigner/foreign worker through which can enter into Singapore. This is the first response letter given upon request for a particular visa. This letter is enough for immigration clearance for the first time entry. After entry into Singapore, one has to apply for corresponding passes.
The In-prinicipal letter will be given for Employment Pass, Dependent Pass, Visit Pass, PR. The processing time for In-principle approval letter generally takes less time.

FIN: This is Foreign Identification Number which is a unique number given for each foreign worker who seeks employment in Singapore. This is being used as a reference for that corresponding candidate in all places of Singapore.
Employment Pass: The In-principal approval letter is applied by the corresponding employer to the Ministry of Manpower(MOM).On approval of this letter, the processed application will be mailed to the employer. The employer will send this letter to employee, so that one can enter into Singapore.

The employment passes(EP) are sub-classified as P, Q & S type passes.
P type: These are of P1 and P2. These are issued for foreigners with professional qualifications , acceptable degrees or special skills
-P1 : This is issued if the monthly basic salary is above S$7000
-P2 : This is issued if the monthly basic salary is above S$3500 but less than S$7000
-Q1: This is issued for professionals or with special skills if the monthly basic salary is above S$2500.
The validity of In-Principal Approval letter applied for Employment pass is six months, within which the candidate must enter into Singapore and can work for one month temporarily. Upon entry, one must apply for Employment Pass. Dependent passes can be applied for Employment passes P1,P2 & Q1 holders for thier spouse.

S Pass/Q2:

These are issued for those whose monthly salary is less than S$2500. The S-Pass applicants will be assessed basing on a point system by taking into many considerations including salary, educational qualifications, skill set, work experience etc. The validity of In-Principal Approval letter applied for S pass is three months, within which the candidate must enter into Singapore and unlike Employment pass, S-pass candidiate cannot work temporarily under approval letter.
Dependent pass can be applied for S-pass holders for thier spouse only if salary is above S$2500.

These passes are to applied by the employer. The average processing time for Employment/S-Pass applicants/renewal is atleast three weeks from the date of the receipt of application. The processed outcome will be mailed to the employer.
How to change or move to other Company within Singapore: The Employment Pass(EP) corresponds or relates to a specific employer, if one has to change or move to other company, then the existing Employment Pass must be cancelled, for which the existing employer provides a cancellation letter by which the existing EP would be cancelled by submitting at MOM, if one is able to produce the In-principle approval letter relating to new employer during the cancellation of existing EP, then new EP is issued which relates to new employer, the FIN remains the same. OR if the exiting EP is cancelled, the Social Visit Pass is issued for a month, within which if one is able to produce the In-principle Approval letter relating to the new employer, then new EP would be issued otherwise the worker must leave the Country.


The In-principal approval letter is applied by the corresponding employer to the MOM. This can be issued for any skilled or unskilled worker if the basic monthly basic salary is not more than S$1800 and a certain amount of security deposit to be made by the employer for the Pass Division. You cannot work until the pass is issued.
Dependent Pass:

The Dependent pass is for spouse and children of the Employment pass or S-pass holders to live in Singapore. This is applicable for current visa holders whose basic salary is above S$2500.
The Dependent Pass application can be applied by the respective Employment/S-Pass holder or by corresponding employer to MOM. The In-principle letter will be issued and send it to them whoever applied. This letter can be mailed to the dependents so that they can enter into Singapore, upon entry one has to apply for Dependent Pass. Or Dependents can come under valid Social Visit Pass and can then apply for Dependent Pass once arrived to Singapore.
Dependents Pass holder/Dependents can work in Singapore under the ?Letter of Consent?. This letter has to be applied by the corresponding employer who offered the job for dependent.

The Dependents can come along with Employment Pass holder while coming into Singapore on Job Offer for the main applicant. For which the Dependent Pass application be applied along with Employment Pass holder application , but the Employment Pass holder must wait to get In-principal approval letter.
Personalise Employment Pass(PEP): The Employment Pass is tied to a specific employer, but PEP is not tied to a particular employer, one can remain in singapore for upto six months to find and get into other placement. This is issued only once for five years and is non-renewable. To apply for PEP, one has to be in Employment Pass. There has to meet certain eligible criteria to apply for PEP.
Please visit MOM (Ministry of Manpower) website for more information on Employment Pass, S-Pass, Dependent Pass, Work permit & PEP.

Visit Passes:

Social Visit Pass: This pass is for those who would like to come to Singapore as tourists or for a short business trips. This has to applied at ICA(Immigration Checkpoints Authority), Singapore.
Long term Social Visit Pass: This pass can be applied for Parents, Spouse, Parent-in-laws, children etc who are related to foreign working professionals in Singapore. This is for those who would to live with main pass holder for long-term. This pass is issued upon qualifying certain eligibility and conditions. If would like to come for short-term, then can visit under Social Visit Pass.This has to apply at ICA(Immigration Checkpoints Authority), Singapore
One cannot work under Long term Social Visit Pass, if wish to work then one has to attain Employment Pass by corresponding employer who offer job.Please visit respective website for more information

Permanent Resident(PR):
One can apply for Permanent Resident (PR) who must be working in Singapore under Valid Employment Pass/S pass. There is no specific time limit to apply for PR, but advisable to apply after atleast a year. One must qualify for its eligibility and conditions to apply for PR. This has to apply at ICA(Immigration Checkpoints Authority), Singapore. If once your PR application is approved, then exiting EP would be cancelled and issue the PR for you. It is initially granted for 5 years. The Permanent Residents is not bind to a particular employer, one can work or change or move to other company easily. Under PR,One has to contribute for CPF (Central Provident Fund) which has to pay certain percentage of you salary to your CPF account monthly. The CPF contribution is paid by you and your employer on percentage basis monthly. Under PR one can stay in Country with or without work.
If one has spouse and children at the time of applying for PR, the dependent PR can applied along with your PR application, once approved , the dependent pass is cancelled and dependent PR will be issued.

If existing Permanent Residents would like to bring their immediate dependents, then one can apply for long term social visit pass, for which they have to be under valid social pass. Later can apply for dependent PR. Dependent PR can work in Singapore. Please visit respective website for more information

There are many more passes like Student Pass, Business Visit Pass, Training Visit, Work Holiday Programme etc, for respective purposes.
Please visit ICA(Immigration Checkpoint Authority),Singapore website for more information on Social Visit, Long term Social Visit , PR, Singapore Citizen and various other passes.
Singapore Citizen: The foreign nationals must be in PR status to apply for Citiitizenship


  1. Hi If i have got In Principle approval letter from Company A and its not cancelled and Company B apply for new In Principle Approval letter. will there be a problem.

  2. Hi, i will be assigned to work in Singapore for 2 months. What visa/ permit i need to apply? And how's the tax regulations here. P/S: My salary is paid by my origin country, Hong Kong. Thanks


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